What is the Value of a Domain Name?

So, what is a domain name worth? The answer that I have to this question, largely goes against the mainstream conversation of valuating a domain. In fact, I don’t even think that the answer needs to be long and drawn out. It’s simple. Call it a cop out response, but the answer is simply: a domain name is worth any amount that a person is willing to pay for it. Boring answer, but I feel it’s true. Sure, you can valuate an entire web site that the domain is attached to, and determine it’s approximate worth based on a number of parameters. For example, when determining the value of a web site, you can ask questions such as: what is it’s monthly ROI? How much time and energy needs to be expended to maintain that ROI? Is it trending in any specific direction? Is the content unique, allowing it a fair chance in Google organic search results? And so on… ... Read More